On 2004.06.09, 08:40, Doug Ewell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> More importantly, mint marks, like currency signs, are indivisible
> entities.  They aren't just ordinary letters with a combining mark,
> the way Ñ is just an N with a tilde over it.

«Ñ is just an N with a tilde over it» from a typographical point of
view (just like mint marks).

More: in Portuguese, f.i., "ó" is indeed «just an "o" with an acute
over it», and the acute comes and goes within the same cognate family
("órgão" but "organista", e.g.). In Polish, OTOH, "ó" and "o" are two
completely distinct letters.

What now -- should Portuguese texts be set with U+006F U+0301 and
Polish texts with U+00F3...?

(BTW: what about cattle iron brand marks? ;-)

--                                                                ____.
António MARTINS-Tuválkin                                         |  ()|
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                        |####|
PT-1XXX-XXX LISBOA                       Não me invejo de quem tem    |
+351 934 821 700                         carros, parelhas e montes    |
http://www.tuvalkin.web.pt/bandeira/     só me invejo de quem bebe    |
http://pagina.de/bandeiras/              a água em todas as fontes    |

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