Paul Nelson (TYPOGRAPHY) scripsit:

> Currently, our implementation is that a character displayed on its
> own is displayed on a dotted circle. From my recollection, this is
> what is recommended in TUS. This currently works as a "stand-alone"
> mark with a visual representation of the dotted circle in place of
> the base character.

Let's be clear here.  If a combining character, or sequence of combining
characters, is preceded by a SP or NBSP (indifferently), it should be displayed
stand-alone.  In this case, the SP or NBSP does not represent whitespace as such.

If there is neither a graphical base character nor a SP/NBSP before the
combining character (or sequence), you can do what you like.  A dotted-circle
glyph is one appropriate choice.

"And it was said that ever after, if any                John Cowan
man looked in that Stone, unless he had a               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
great strength of will to turn it to other    
purpose, he saw only two aged hands withering 
in flame."   --"The Pyre of Denethor"

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