Doug Ewell wrote:

>>This insecurity
> Probably more like "uncertainty," but anyway:
Oh no, I'd been thinking for ages to recall
the correct word...

>>I can send Mr. Everson the relevant sections with an English
>>translation from these webpages if he needs them, but it would be to
>>long to send it all to the list.
> They might well be helpful for determining the "best" names.
Don't expect anything two serious though. Also, I'll be quite
busy the following days, but I hope it isn't very urgent
before July 3 anyway.

> You really do
> want to read N1686 in conjunction with N1758:

I'll check it out.

I must admit, that your reply makes it clear that most
of what I wrote about was already considered at least, even
if not solved in every case. Actually, I just wanted to help
out a little in what seemed to be a communication problem to
a large extent. I'm not an expert of the Hungarian Runic System.
Anyway, if I have something more material to contribute (besides
the translations I promised), I'll write again.

And a question: can UTF-8 encoding be used in all the messages
sent to the list?


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