Dear Flarn,

I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do: your question is a bit sketchy.

Most Unicode characters are "base" characters, in that they do not combine with 
the character preceding them in the character stream based on their character 
properties. Some characters are combining marks. Combining marks generally are 
not used (and thus not rendered) by themselves. They exist to modify base 

But combining marks are not the only way that a sequence of characters can form 
a "grapheme" (a visual unit of text). Ligatures, for example, are a sequence of 
base characters that form a grapheme. Some languages treat a sequence of base 
characters as a single letter. For example, Dutch sometimes treats the sequence 
"ij" as a single letter (it turns out that there are characters for the letter 
'ij' in Unicode too, but they are for compatibility with an ancient non-Unicode 
character set). Software must be modified or tailored to provide behavior 
consistent with the specific language and context.

For example, when you see the "fi" ligature in English, you naturally expect 
that the two letters "f" and "i" should be treated as separate letters--you 
should be able to place the cursor between them and delete one of them, for 
example. In another language you might find a letter that consists of two base 
characters where you should NOT be able to do that. Similarly, when one has the 
letter 'u' followed by a combining dieresis mark (U+0308), one expects the pair 
of logical characters to behave as a single character--Ã (which is also 
encoded as a precomposed character U+00FC).

So: what application do you have for two base characters treated as a combining 
mark? Then list members might be able to comments with precision on your 

Best Regards,


Addison P. Phillips
Director, Globalization Architecture

Chair, W3C Internationalization Working Group

Internationalization is an architecture. 
It is not a feature.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Flarn
> Sent: 2004å11æ26æ 8:49
> Subject: 
> I know that there are some combining characters, and a lot of base 
> characters. But, is there any way to use a base character as a 
> combining character? Please help me!
> - Michael Norton (a.k.a. Flarn)
> E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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