At 14:05 +0000 2004-11-30, Peter Kirk wrote:

He's a troll. ;-)

Is this ad hominem comment directed at me? In any case please take all ad hominem comments off the list.

There are a number of people, yourself included, who are actively, either maliciously or from ignorance, misrepresenting the relationship between the UTC and WG2, and of the standardization process, under the guise of "innocent" discussion. It is my personal opinion that none of that discussion should be taken at face value, for it seems clear that its hidden agenda is to discredit the expertise of the UTC and WG2 in order to shed bad light on the work we do, whether in general or with regard to particular items in the standardization process.

My comment was, it should be said, intended for Doug Ewell alone, and it was an error on my part to have sent it to the list. My comment was intended to encourage him not to waste his energy on fruitless discussion.
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *

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