Philippe Verdy scripsit:

> >Okay, I'm confused. Does ≮ open a tag? Does it matter if it's 
> >composed or decomposed?
> It does not open a XML tag.
> It does matter if it's composed (won't open a tag) or decomposed (will 
> open a tag, but with a combining character, invalid as an identifier 
> start)

Let's be precise here.  If the 7-character character sequence "蠔"
appears in an XML document, it never opens a tag and it is never changed
by normalization.  If the 1-character sequence consisting of a single
U+226E appears in an XML document, and that document is put through
NF(K)D, it will become not well-formed.  However, NF(K)D is not
recommended for XML documents, which should be in NFC.

First known example of political correctness:   John Cowan
"After Nurhachi had united all the other
Jurchen tribes under the leadership of the
Manchus, his successor Abahai (1592-1643)       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
issued an order that the name Jurchen should       --S. Robert Ramsey,
be banned, and from then on, they were all         The Languages of China
to be called Manchus."

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