The existing rupee signs and their respective glyphs will stay in The Unicode 
Standard and ISO/IEC 10646 as they are.


The stability of character encoding standards is for good reasons close to 


Sincerely, Erkki I. Kolehmainen 


Lähettäjä: [] 
Puolesta Siji Sunny
Lähetetty: 20. heinäkuuta 2010 12:57
Vastaanottaja: Michael Everson
Kopio: Unicode Mailing List
Aihe: Re: Indian Rupee Sign (U+20B9) proposal



On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 3:37 AM, Michael Everson <> wrote:

So you're saying they'd be better off just putting it at U+20B9? :-)



With reference to the unicode Currency Chart, 4 Rupee Sign already been there, 
they are 
 09F3 ৳  bengali rupee sign
0AF1 ૱  gujarati rupee sign
0BF9 ௹   tamil rupee sign

Now as per Govt. Of India rupee sign has been standardised,

So what will happens to the above mentioned glyphs and their unicode values?

Why can't use any of the unicode value for the new rupee sign?


Michael Everson *

Siji Sunny

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