I'll raise the possibility with the appropriate individuals, but I think it 
likely that the Consortium would prefer that third parties not host clones of 
the Unihan database.  

On Sep 12, 2010, at 9:57 AM, Uriah Eisenstein wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm nearing completion of a simple Java program which loads Unihan data from 
> the source files into a DB, and provides SQL access to it.There's still at 
> least a week or so of work on issues I consider essential, but once ready I'd 
> be happy to make it available on the Internet if anyone's interested.
> So far I've used it to search for possibly erroneous data in Unihan; my 
> latest find is that 73 characters have a kTaiwanTelegraph value of 0000, 
> which seems doubtful. It can also be useful for various statistical 
> information such as how many characters are listed under each radical, or 
> which blocks include IICore characters.
> I'm also considering adding the contents of the Unicode Character Database as 
> well at a later phase.
> Regards,
> Uriah Eisenstein

SiƓn ap-Rhisiart
John H. Jenkins

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