Am 28.06.2011 um 09:43 schrieb Jean-François Colson:

> I’m interested in Unifon ( That’s a phonemic alphabet 
> for English which is used to teach reading.
> Although it has been encoded in the ConScript Unicode Registry as a new 
> script in a three-columns block, it has in fact been designed as an extension 
> of the Latin alphabet.
> Therefore, considering that three fifths of its letters are already 
> available, I wonder whether a proposal shouldn’t be limited to the 16 missing 
> letters.
> What’s your opinion?

Is there a real need for regular encoding? 
If proposed as kind of extension to Latin there will be one issue at least to 
be considered carefully: Unifon does not fit the Latin Writing system since it 
is unicameral, not bicameral (as far as I can see).
By which I doubtlessly not intend at all to encourage any of the enthusiasts to 
think they ought now go to their desks and try to invent new lowercase glyphs.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

                        Andreas Stötzner.

»Der Bundestag möge beschließen, sich umfassend gegen den geplanten künftigen 
Europäischen Stabilitätsmechanismus – ESM – auszusprechen.«;sa=details;petition=18123

Andreas Stötzner   
Gestaltung Signographie Fontentwicklung

Wilhelm-Plesse-Straße 32, 04157 Leipzig

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