On 08/22/2011 12:53 AM, Shriramana Sharma wrote:
On 08/22/2011 12:01 AM, Peter Constable wrote:
If you mean a rule to substitute [g1 g2] with [g3] won't apply if the
sequence processed by the OpenType Layout lookup processor is [g2

Peter, actually I suspect Philippe is thinking that in the case of RTL, the *glyphs* are placed in reverse order and then he is asking how can the ligation take place.

While I don't know much about RTL scripts, if the logic order is ALEF + LAMED, but the presentation order is LAMED + ALEF *because of the RTL nature* do you write the rule as ALEF + LAMED = ALEF_LAMED_LIGATURE or LAMED + ALEF = ALEF_LAMED_LIGATURE ?

I'm not certain I understand the question, but if I have it right... The logic order is ALEF + LAMED, and the presentation... places those in a right-to-left sequence, shall we say (since talking about the presentation *order* is confusing here). The font table contains the lookup that ALEF + LAMED ⇒ ALEF_LAMED_LIGATURE. It all goes according to the logical order, since the presentation "order" isn't really an order, it's just a direction. (this is different from things like devanagari short-i vowel, which "moves" with respect to the other letters in the script.)


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