How does this differ from what the Script Encoding Initiative
<>  is already trying to do?


On 15/08/2011, <> wrote:
> Forwarding the following although it's off the list topic since the scripts
> it covers would include at least some that have figured in discussions here
> and/or the work of various list subscribers. (I personally have no
> connection with this project, so plz address any questions to Mr. Brookes,
> cc'd.)
> Don
> ------Original Message------
> From: Harold Schiffman
> Sender:
> To: Language Policy List
> ReplyTo: Language Policy List
> Subject: [lg policy] Endangered Alphabets
> Sent: Aug 5, 2011 09:41
> Forwarded From:
> Dear ladies and gents,
> I suspect--and hope--that you may be interested in my Endangered
> Alphabets Project, which you can find at
> If you like it enough to want to
> help me move it to the next stage, I would be immensely grateful if
> you'd head over to
> and see if anything strikes your fancy. Needless to say, I'd also be
> delighted to hear from you, engage in discussion, send you
> high-resolution photos, and so on.
> Tim
> --
> =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
>  Harold F. Schiffman
> Professor Emeritus of
>  Dravidian Linguistics and Culture
> Dept. of South Asia Studies
> University of Pennsylvania
> Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305
> Phone:  (215) 898-7475
> Fax:  (215) 573-2138
> Email:

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