Andrew West 於 2011年10月20日 上午3:25 寫道:

> On 19 October 2011 18:41, John H. Jenkins <> wrote:
>> U+613F kDefinition (variant/simplification of U+9858 願) desire, want, wish; 
>> (archaic) prudent, cautious
>> U+613F kSemanticVariant U+9858<kFenn:T
>> U+613F kSpecializedSemanticVariant U+9858<kHanYu:T
>> U+613F kTraditionalVariant U+613F U+9858
>> U+613F kSimplifiedVariant U+613F
>> U+9858 kSimplifiedVariant U+613F U+2B5B8
>> U+9858 kSemanticVariant U+9613F<kFenn:T
>> Andrew, does that look like it covers everything correctly?
> Looks OK to me (except for the typo on the last line), although I
> wonder about the necessity for:
> U+613F kSimplifiedVariant U+613F
> Where a character can either traditionalify (what is the opposite of
> simplify?) to another character or stay the same then it is useful to
> have (e.g.):
> U+613F kTraditionalVariant U+613F U+9858
> But where a character does not change on simplification, is it not
> redundant to give it a kSimplifiedVariant mapping to itself ?  

Per the latest draft of UAX #38, if, when mapping from SC to TC, a character 
may change or may be left alone depending on context, it should be included in 
among its both simplified and traditional variants.  And so…

> But there are other characters that fit this paradigm that do not have
> kSimplifiedVariant mappings to themself, such as:
> U+5E72 干
> But maybe that is a reflection of this line:
> U+5E72        kTraditionalVariant     U+4E7E U+5E79
> which I think should be:
> U+5E72        kTraditionalVariant     U+4E7E U+5E72 U+5E79

Yes, this should be fixed.  If you know of any others, please let me know.

Hoani H. Tinikini
John H. Jenkins

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