2011/11/7 Christopher Fynn <chris.f...@gmail.com>:
> I'm sure people like RedHat, Debian, and Sun/Oracle (who use it in
> OpenOffice) - have satisfied themselves that the open type rendering
> they use is unencumbered.

Actually now, this (OpenOffice) should no longer be Sun/Oracle but
Apache. Oracle has donated OpenOffice to Apache that accepted it.
Since the ecqusiation of Sun by Oracle, some OpenOffice developers
were unhappy with Oracle and splitted the project in LibreOffice; not
sure that both projects will merge again now that OpenOffice goes to
Apache, but Apache has stated that both projects could live now (there
are some differences in the GUI, but many developers are already
trying to make modules that works on both projects). For now
OpenOffice is still branced by Oracle in the current distribution,
this may change in the next major relase showing the Apache branch,
once all IPR issues are solved between Oracle and Apache.

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