Michael Everson <ever...@evertype.com> wrote:
> On 1 Jan 2012, at 19:46, Julian Bradfield wrote:
> > So you should be able to define your own locales.
> How? I am not a programmer.
Well, the first step is to try to find out what is needed, by trying to find an 
analogous case.
For example, does your computer have either a file with multiple entries, one 
for each locale, or does it have separate files, one for each locale?
If the latter, could you possibly post the file for French here please so that 
those who are interested can have a look at it and maybe figure out how to 
produce an equivalent file for Volapük.
Depending upon the way that the files are encoded, that could be anything from 
straightforward, to complicated to all-but-impossible. That is how programming 
problems can go. Some are solved straightforwardly and some are not.
Now certainly, it might not be just a matter of producing another file: there 
might possibly, for example, also be a file somewhere else with a list of 
locales and that might be impossible to alter, so producing a new file is not 
necessarily enough. However, it is worth having a go at trying to produce a new 
file, then either putting it into the same directory as the file for French, 
or, if each locale has its own folder, making a new folder and locating the new 
file in that new folder; rebooting the computer and observing whether that is 
enough to get a working result.
> > If you don't want to install them in the system locale directory, you may 
> > need to mess around a bit.
> How?
I am using a PC and have only ever used a Mac a few times many years ago, so I 
cannot help with that part of solving the problem. However, there may well be 
people on this list who can advise you on that part.
William Overington
2 January 2012

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