On 5/3/2012 5:50 AM, suzuki toshiya wrote:

Michael Everson wrote:
I am forwarding this query to my colleagues in Nunavut.

Well, it's an incomplete query and because of that, you will get an incomplete result.

It may give an answer on what the preference would be in handling small marks - under the assumption that characters were to be written upright.

But it would not give an answer to the underlying question, on whether such upright rendering would be the default choice - whether in its own script context, or whether in the context of inserting material (quotes) in other writing systems that do use vertical layout and have a long tradition of doing so.

Take a simple task like labeling the vertical axis in a plot.

Standard tools give you a choice there (for Latin) between stacked text and rotated text.

SImple axis labels are done using stacked text relatively often, but the minute you have something complicated, using perhaps superscript 2 for some unit of area the stacked rendition runs into the same problem that we've been discussing here (the 2 would end up on a line of its own) and people then opt for rotated text.

Likewise, I suspect, that no matter how you arrange it, stacked syllabics will look odd enough that the natural way to render longer text that for some reasons have to go vertically, would be rotated.

But, unless you also ask that question, you'll get an incomplete answer.


PS: and don't forget that even for Latin, the conventions are different by location. East Asian usage will allow something like "square meters" or °C to occupy a single cell in vertically laid out text whereas tools written for Western users (e.g. Excel) generally do not support such "mixed flow" usage (where inside some stacked "cell" a few characters flow horizontally).

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