A few weeks ago there was a discussion about JavaScript and UCS-2 on this list, 
which rekindled a long-standing desire I have had to write a set of functions 
that handled supplementary pairs in JavaScript strings transparently.  I've 
just published (under MPL1.1) some code that I hope some of you may find 
interesting or helpful.

This JavaScript library adds analogue functions for each of the straightforward 
String functions which deal with character indexes, such as charAt or indexOf.  
It does not attempt to handle regular expressions.  The prototype functions are 
prefixed with "kmw" which I chose both because the library was originally 
intended for KeymanWeb, and also because it will hopefully be fairly unique and 
not step on the toes of other libraries.  There are few edge cases that are 
probably incorrectly handled, and no effort has gone into optimization yet.

Version 0.2 of the library can be downloaded from 
https://github.com/tavultesoft/keyman-tools/tree/master/kmwString and I have a 
couple of blog posts with more details at 
http://marc.durdin.net/2012/04/more-utf-32-aware-javascript-string.html and 

Marc Durdin

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