2012-05-28 8:48, Shriramana Sharma wrote:

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Jukka K. Korpela<jkorp...@cs.tut.fi>  wrote:
BabelMap has been bundled into BabelPad, and installing the newest version
of BabelPad from
gets you the new BabelMap version too.

If this is so then why isn't this mentioned on the website?

Beats me. The BabelPad page casually mentions “the BabelMap edit buffer” in the description of a function.

Anyhow, I believe many people would like to use an independent
character picker along with their favourite editor or whatever...

BabelPad is about 8 MB versus the 7 MB of BabelMap, so I would say that BabelPad is basically BabelMap with added functionality, like normal text editor functions and some added tools for inserting characters (e.g., pinyin lookup).

I’m not sure whether BabelMap has some functionality that BabelPad hasn’t got (there are differences in menus), but I don’t find any additional tools for picking characters. You still have to copy them to the clipboard.


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