On 7/10/2012 5:35 PM, Mark Davis ☕ wrote:
The main point is that asserting a general preference in an annotation for ∶ to express a ratio, as Asmus had in his formulation, is simply wrong and counterproductive. (We are not going to change the world's usage from : to ∶ by fiat; and and the glyphic difference is quite subtle, and missing in a great many fonts. Compare that with the difference between hyphen-minus and minus, which is much more pronounced, and much better carried across fonts.)

The most that we could say is that in certain mathematical contexts ∶ is preferred to : for expressing ratios, not that it is generally preferred.

I don't see any problem in amending the proposed annotations

* also used to denote division or scale, for that usage 2236 : RATIO is preferred in mathematical use
U+2236 RATIO
* Used in preference to 003A : to denote division or scale in mathematical use

however, like the use of curly quotes over straight quotes, certain preferences do apply for high-end typography irrespective of whether "fallback" characters are or are not widely used for lower quality documents.


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