On 7/12/2012 2:47 PM, Michael Everson wrote:
On 12 Jul 2012, at 22:20, Julian Bradfield wrote:

But wanting to do so would be crazy. My mu-nu ligature is, as far as I know, 
used only by me (and co-authors who let me do the typesetting), and so if 
Unicode has any sanity left, it would not encode it.
Is it in print?

My colleagues in the Edinburgh PEPA group did try to get their pet symbol 
encoded (a bowtie where the two triangles overlap somewhat rather than just 
touching), but were refused; although that symbol now appears in hundreds of 
papers by dozens of authors from all over the world.
If so, then it should be encoded.

Can you cite title or number of the original proposal document?


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