Byzantine authors had a great penchant for ligatures. Although I do not have 
expertise in Greek astrology, I do have some competence in other aspects of 
Byzantine literature (including some familiarity with manuscripts and 
inscriptions). Based on that experience, I feel I can safely say that any 
attempt to encode the four ligatures on the grounds discussed here would be an 
invitation to encode a host of other Byzantine Greek ligatures (for example, 
the standard cruciform invocative monograms: V. Laurent, La collection 
Orghidian [Paris, 1952], pl. lxx).

A formal proposal for these four ligatures would be premature. One should first 
understand the entire culture of Byzantine ligation, then determine what parts 
of that culture should be encoded, and which not.


Joel Kalvesmaki
Editor in Byzantine Studies
Dumbarton Oaks
1703 32nd St. NW
Washington, DC 20007
(202) 339-6435

From: <Szelp>, "A. Sz." <<>>
Date: Thursday, November 1, 2012 3:56 AM
To: CE Whitehead <<>>
Cc: "<>" 
Subject: Re: Greek Astrology

Is there evidence that these have been used consistently, on most charts of the 
time? These could be ad-hoc notations (as given the contemporary praxis, 
ligation per se does not make a "symbol").

Szelp, André Szabolcs

+43 (650) 79 22 400

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:38 AM, CE Whitehead 
<<>> wrote:
From: Raymond Mercier 
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 08:52:43 -0000
> I think I had somehow assumed that the symbols used in Greek Horoscopes had 
> already been encoded, but it seems not.
> The four signs used to mark the principal corners (ascendant, etc) of the 
> horoscope diagram are shown in the attachment, taken from

> These four signs should be encoded along with the zodiacal signs U+2648 to 
> U+2653.
> Perhaps they are already in the pipeline ?
Perhaps these should be in the pipeline, as the online templates I could find 
for astrological charts do not have them; they have to be added in  (although 
it would be possible to have these built into the chart template also, as the 
houses are always in the same place and the ascendant is always located between 
the 12th and the 1rst, etc.); see:

Similarly Paul Wade's copiable template is void of the symbols

(I'll try to check an offline guide, too, but the few actual online templates, 
not sample charts, seem void of the symbols for the ascendant, midheaven, etc., 
so they seem to be separate from the actual chart of the houses, so go for it. 
Happy Halloween in any case.)


--C. E. Whitehead<>
> Best wishes
> Raymond Mercier

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