You're wrong. XHTML1 is integrated in the W3C validator and recognized
The document you cite in the XHTML1 specs has just not been updated.

Anyway this site is actually
using XHTML1.1 (in its strict schema, not a transitional schema)

2012/11/29 Leif Halvard Silli <>

> Philippe Verdy, Thu, 29 Nov 2012 10:11:13 +0100:
> > So we would be in a case where it's impossible to warranty full
> > compatiblity or interoperability between the two concurrent standards
> from
> > the same standard body, and promissing the best interoperoperability with
> > "past" flavors of HTML (those past flavors are still not in the "past"
> > given that two of them are definitely not deprecated for now but fully
> > recommended, and HTML5 is still with the "draft" status).
> Section 5.1 of XHTML 1.0 says: [1] 'XHTML Documents which follow the
> guidelines set forth in Appendix C, "HTML Compatibility Guidelines" may
> be labeled with the Internet Media Type "text/html"'
> And Appendix C, point 9 of XHTML 1.0 says: [2] 'the best approach is to
> ensure that the web server provides the correct headers. If this is not
> possible, a document that wants to set its character encoding
> explicitly must include [ snip ] a meta http-equiv statement (e.g.,
> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=EUC-JP"
> />).'
> > For me, it is normal that the Unicorn validator does not integrate HTML5,
> > given its draft status.
> The strange thing is that Unicorn doesn't integrate XHTML1. [1][2]
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> leif halvard silli

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