the glyph for U+25A0 BLACK SQUARE, shown in table 2.5 of UTR 25, rev 13, has a 
side length of 600, on a body height of 1000

the glyph for w-1110, shown on page 6 of N 4384 (progress on Wingdings), has a 
side length of 1184, on a body height of 2048

when scaled identically, the two glyphs differ in size by less than 4%

U+25A0 is (largely by default) a "regular" sized square

N 4384, however, proposes the unification of w-1110 with U+25FC BLACK MEDIUM 

the glyph for U+25FC BLACK MEDIUM SQUARE, shown in table 2.5 of UTR 25, rev 13, 
has a side length of 435, on a body height of 1000

anybody converting a document currently using Wingding fonts to one using 
Unicode values and Unicode fonts instead, using the transliteration proposed in 
N 4384, will find their squares somewhat diminished in size (in this case, by 
one third)

this is because the terminology used for "size" in N 4384 is at variance with 
the terminology used heretofore in UTR 25

maybe this isn't a serious problem, but it may be worth documenting the 


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