
Leo Broukhis hatte geschrieben:
In Russian, the difference between Е and Ё is primary at the beginning
of a word as they are considered distinct letters of the alphabet, yet
secondary in the middle of a word, as the dieresis over Ё is not
mandatory. As an example, ель < ёлка, but тёлка < тель, see

Am 2012-12-21 um 20:05 Uhr schrieb Leif Halvard Silli:
My Moscow Russian-Norwegian from 1987 and my Pocket Oxford Russian
Dictionary from 2003 agree that both list words on Ё and Е under the
same category – namely, under the letter Е.

So do both “Русско-Немецкий Словар” (Moskow,1955) and  “Langenscheidts
Taschenwörterbuch”, 4. Aufl. (Berlin 1963).

Hence, I deem Leo’s example a red herring.

Best wishes for a merry Xmas (or whatever) and a happy New Year,

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