2013-01-08 23:56, Naena Guru wrote:

May I ask if the following two are Latin script, English or Singhala?

    1. This is written in English.
    2. mee laþingaþa síhalayi.

For me, both are Latin script and 1 is English and 2 is Singhala (says,'
this is romanized Singhala').

Text 2 is “romanized Singhala” only by your private definition, and you don’t even mean that. You are not actually promoting the use of Latin letters to write Sinhala but to use a private 8-bit encoding for Sinhala. You expect such a font to be used that the letter “a” is not displayed as “a” but as something completely different, as a Sinhala character.

It seems that your agenda here is something very different from the Subject line you use – not about generalities, but about certain fontistic trickery.


If you look at the title of the page as displayed in a browser’s tab header or equivalent, you see “nivahal heøa”. This is what happens when the font trickery fails (because browsers use their fixed fonts to display such items).

The trickery is nothing new. It was used even when you had to use <font face> on the web to use fonts, and at that time, the trickery was analyzed and found wanting, see e.g.
There’s no reason to go into such analyses any more.

If you are happy with this or that trickery and don’t want them to be analyzed, just use them. But please don’t expect the rest of the world to go back to bad old days.


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