On 18/02/13 18:09, William_J_G Overington wrote:
The first sentence of section 16.5 is as follows.


Private-use characters are assigned Unicode code points whose interpretation is 
not specified by this standard and whose use may be determined by private 
agreement among cooperating users.

end quote

Suppose that there is a person, perhaps someone who is trying to produce a 
font, for whom the Private Use Areas is something that he or she has not 
encountered before he or she reads that sentence.

Is there ambiguity in that sentence such that such a person, a not unreasonable 
person, could ask himself or herself the following question?

Where can I find some cooperating users who will make a private agreement among 
themselves in order that I can make my font using code points from a Private 
Use Area?

William Overington

18 February 2013

It makes sense to implement something for yourseld first, before you start to recruit people to use it.

Produce a font, and some documentation for it. Publicise it. See who uses it.

You might want to try Twitter, Facebook, your own website, etc. etc. to do this.

There's your group of cooperating users.

-- Neil

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