Mr. Cook,

Thank you for all the information (and bringin Wenlin to my attention as well).

> Where a specific value attested in a specific Kangxi edition is missing from 
> kRSUnicode, it would indeed be useful to add it,

Great to hear that.

> Since kRSUnicode is a Normative property, a formal proposal to modify that 
> data is required, for review in WG2. I have added notes on the items you 
> mention below, for consideration in that process, and in the meantime, if you 
> identify any other issues, please bring them to our attention.

OK, I will prepare a more comprehensive list. Do you mean that you would submit 
such a formal proposal? Or can I submit it myself somehow?

> PS: About the subject line of your message.

Yes, of course, the subject should have read "CJK radical-stroke count data". 
Not one of my brightest moments, I guess...

Adam Nohejl
Unicode mailing list

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