I'm sorry of the name mistake in this mail (it's corrected below) and got aware 
of a number of problems with sending secreenshots. As I just learned that links 
are preferred for images, I posted them on Postimage.


On Tue, Jun 30, 2015, Khaled Hosny  wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 11:02:18AM +0200, Marcel Schneider wrote:
> > On Sun, Jun 28, 2015, Peter Constable 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > Marcel: Can you please clarify in what way Windows 7 is not supporting 
> > > U+2060.
> > 
> > On my netbook, which is running Windows 7 Starter, U+2060 is not a
> > part of any of the shipped fonts.
> It is a control character, it does not need to have a glyph in the font
> to be properly supported.

As Doug explained us, this is true and false because there are three fonts 
shipped with Windows' full version where U+2060 is a part of, and all other 
fonts are bugging about U+2060. However, that too is only an application issue, 
and Khaled's advice is true for OpenOffice and LibreOffice, if my test results 
are accurate (please refer to the e-mail I sent just before).

The issue about WORD JOINER vs ZWNBSP is resolved in conformance with Unicode 
recommendations at the condition that the preferred word processor is 
LibreOffice Writer, or OpenOffice Writer, but not Microsoft Offfice Word. This 
results from three facts:
1 The WJ is displayed with zero width and with a visible mark (resembling to 
that of NBSP) in OpenOffice/LibreOffice:


2 The WJ works with whatever font is selected (here, Aharoni).


3 No format character is destroyed by OpenOffice/LibreOffice at conversion to 
plain text (pasting into a text editor).


This is why, actually, users must switch between applications depending on the 
actual task and the characters used. Sticking with an application we are used 
to, would then be a counter-productive error.


If you wish to view some more screenshots, I'd like to provide these (I 
switched the UI to English if possible, eventually in LibreOffice Writer):






About the WJ being a control character, I would add that it is of general 
category Cf, which in actual terms is Other (Format), while control characters 
belong to Cc, named Other (Control). The difference may be slight and a mere 
terminology topic, but given the bad handling of some format characters by the 
world's most used word processors, I guess there must be something to be 
changed. Perhaps the WJ has been forgotten, on the idea that it's only a 
control. In the case that the WJ has purposely been poorly implemented on Word, 
that may be to prevent people from using Word for what they should use 
Publisher. However, I believe that WJs being a part of plain text, they should 
be properly supported on all text handling applications. And they should be on 
the keyboard.


The solution I suggest is therefore to have the word joiner (and the sequences 
containing it) on Ctrl+Alt or Kana, and the zero width no-break space on 
Shift+Ctrl+Alt or Shift+Kana, so that users working efficently on good software 
may access the preferred character a bit easier than users who must use the 
deprecated character because their word processor does not properly support the 
preferred one.


I'm sorry to have asked Unicode to remove the recommendation for U+2060. i'm 
accustomed to Microsoft's word processor, where I've got my huge autoexpand 
list. (This is written *without* autoexpand.) And I hadn't already tested that 
on OpenOffice/LibreOffice. Now, that's done.




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