I believe that standardizing A numbers for allergens, as Mr Overington suggests 
commenting the interesting blog post he's sharing, is an excellent idea.


I think so because these numbers be added to the names, this would be even 
better than the E numbers, behind which often the additives are hidden, some of 
which have long-time harmful effects, and the continuous consumption of most of 
which causes overall health issues. 


Consequently, there are good solutions on-going, so that the support Unicode 
cannot safely provide, will be replaced.


Best regards,





> Message du 06/08/15 19:36
> De : "William_J_G Overington" 
> A : "Marcel Schneider" , m...@kli.org, koma...@google.com, 
> unicode@unicode.org, gwa...@gmail.com
> Copie à : 
> Objet : Re: Emoji characters for food allergens
> Please may I draw to your attention the following blog post.
> http://www.michellesblog.co.uk/emoji-ing-food-allergens/
> The blog is by the same lady that runs the following website, a specialist 
> website about food allergens and freefrom food..
> http://www.foodsmatter.com/
> William Overington
> 6 August 2015

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