I'm brought to draw your attention to the fact that presumably my "buggy" 
mailbox inverted the order of the Copy Addressees, which I find reversed in 
both mailboxes where I can follow (but not answer in both, under my name 
associated with a fitting custom mail address). 

This order is mainly determined by the intervention chronology. It may not be 
important but formally I'm expected to stick with.

Further as I was very short of time I forgot checking to add everybody. Sorry 

It may be current to put a person's name and address in Copy instead as Main 
Addressee in order not to seem urging him to reply, as a more informal sending.

Please retrieve the list as I ordered it, taken from my outbox and completed:


"Doug Ewell"  ;  "Richard Wordingham"  ; "Julian Bradfield"  ; "Andrew Glass 
(WINDOWS)"  ; "Andrew Cunningham"  ; "Eli Zaretskii"  ; "Asmus Freytag (t)"  ; 
"Marc Durdin" 


On 08 Aug 2015, at 15:01, Richard Wordingham  wrote:

> On Sat, 8 Aug 2015 14:05:17 +0200 (CEST)
> Marcel Schneider  wrote:
> > 2. Supposed that Windows supported more than four characters per
> > ligature:
> > 2.1. Why has the MSKLC been limited to four characters per
> > ligature?
> Because that was believed to be the architectural limit. Note however,
> that it isn't 4 *characters* that is the limit, but 4 UTF-16 code units.

Richard (be it allowed to use first name to conform to the usage) turned out to 
be the only person to answer one of my listed questions. Thanks again and my 
apologies for the tone of my reply, which finally has been influenced by the 
tone of the blog post, when I were talking about his author—but this too Iʼm 
sorry about and ask Michael to forgive me as we forgive his value lowering.**

Remembering that I presumed that the limit was really four in old Windows 
versions and that it has been changed, I can now go a step further admitting 
that the fundamental limit has always been sixteen since ligatures were 
implemented, and that lowering it to four in one single application was 
triggered by a cluster of circumstances that produced a belief.

To assess the effects of a lack of documentation, we may cross-reference the 
situation with two quotations from the same header file [MSKLC]\inc\kbd.h, 
lines 731 sqq and 751 sqq:

// There is no documented way to detect the manufacturer of the computer that
// is currently running an application. However, a Windows-based application
// can detect the type of OEM Windows by using the return value of the
// GetKeyboardType() function.

// Application programs can use these OEM IDs to distinguish the type of OEM
// Windows. Note, however, that this method is not documented, so Microsoft
// may not support it in the future version of Windows.

May we conclude that whenever documentation is missing, we are allowed to rely 
on test results and other observations?

About ligatures support, Andrew Glass and previously Michael Kaplan assure that 
there will be no major change. Given that on Windows 7, sixteen code units are 
supported on all** current (tested) shift states, this allows to conclude that 
stability must not necessarily rely on documentation (unlike it is suggested in 
the second quotation above).

Thanks to the parent thread, I take notice however that when documentation is 
missing, unusual behavior of software must not be referred to as bug.

If this thread, which spins off from a closed thread, is not followed up, we 
may take these statements for granted and build development policies upon.

Best regards,


** Note: More than four code units per ligature works now on *all* tested shift 
The reason why the unexpected behavior is now eliminated, seems to be (in my 
belief) that VK_OEM_PA1 has been replaced with VK_OEM_AX. To map KBDKANA (the 
Kana modifier key) to Left Alt, I had redefined scan code T38 as VK_OEM_PA1, 
found in kbd.h. Now on Sun Aug 09, 2015, 23:16 (yesterday in the evening) I 
found in “WINUSER.H” (named in capitals) that VK_OEM_AX is far more obvious, as 
its default scan code stands between two that are actually used on the default 
French keyboard and are mapped to VK_OEM_8 and VK_OEM_102.
I believe that the presence of the less usual VK_OEM_PA1 (part of 
«Nokia/Ericsson definitions») made Windows more sensitive.

Iʼm happy that this issue is so appeasingly and gratifyingly resolved. I 
present my apologies for the trouble it has made, as well as my thanks for the 
many pieces of information it has brought up.


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