On Thu, 1 Oct 2015 07:01:12 +0200
Mark Davis ☕️ <m...@macchiato.com> wrote:

> I've heard some concerns, mostly around the UI for people typing in
> passwords; that they get frustrated when they have to type their
> password on different devices:
>    1. A device may not have keyboard mappings with all the keys for
> their language.

The typographers will probably give English as an example!  Where's
the en dash key?

>    2. The keyboard mappings across devices vary where they put keys,
>    especially for minority script characters using some pattern of
>    shift/alt/option/etc.. So the pattern of keys that they use on one
> may be different than on another.

Even ASCII can have problems.  A password containing '#' and '|' can't
be entered when a physical US keyboard (102 keys) is interpreted using
a mapping for a British keyboard (103 keys).  (There seem to be
different conventions as to which key is missing.)


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