On 2015-10-06, Asmus Freytag (t) <asmus-...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> All browsers I use display spaces in input boxes, and put blobs for
> hidden fields. Do you have evidence for broken input fields?</pre>
>     </blockquote>
>     <br>
>     Network keys. That interface seems to consistently give people a
>     choice to reveal the key.<br>

? That's not broken in the way Philippe was discussing.

> Copy-paste works on all my systems, too - do you have evidence of
> broken copy-paste in this way?</pre>
>     </blockquote>
>     <br>
>     I've seen input fields where sites don't allow paste on the second
>     copy (the confirmation copy).<br>
>     <br>
>     Even for non-password things.<br>

That's not relevantly broken, either - it's a design feature, to make
sure you can type the password again (from finger memory!).

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