I missed this yesterday.

Plug Gulp wrote:

> General support for all characters, words and sentences could be
> achieved by just three new formatting characters, e.g. SCR, SUP and
> SUB, similar to the way other formatting characters such as ZWS, ZWJ,
> ZWNJ etc are defined. The new formatting characters could be defined
> as:
> SCR: In a character stream, all the characters following this
> formatting character shall be treated as [...]
> SUP: In a character stream, all the characters following this
> formatting character shall be treated as [...]
> SUB: In a character stream, all the characters following this
> formatting character shall be treated as [...]

This isn't similar to ZWSP or ZWJ or ZWNJ. Those formatting characters
are not stateful; they affect the rendering of, at most, the single
characters immediately preceding and following them.

The ones you suggest are stateful; they affect the rendering of
arbitrary amounts of subsequent data, in a way reminiscent of ECMA-48
("ANSI") attribute switching, or ISO 2022 character-set switching.
Unicode tries hard to avoid encoding such things.

Doug Ewell | http://ewellic.org | Thornton, CO 🇺🇸

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