On 10/7/2016 11:25 AM, Oren Watson wrote:
Would it be appropriate to submit an omnibus proposal for encoding all remaining english letters in subscript, small caps, and superscript in the SMP for the purpose of not arbitrarily constraining the use of unicode for new linguistic theories and ideas, similar to the mathematical characters?

I don't see that the use of Unicode characters for new linguistic theories and ideas is arbitrarily constrained as it stands. So no, I don't think it make sense to submit such a proposal on spec. I don't understand peoples' fascination with multiplying the encoding of the Latin alphabet A-Z over and over and over again. Modifier letters are different from the mathematical styled alphabets -- modifier letters include many letters and symbols beyond A-Z, and there isn't any clear marginal benefit in trying to "complete" their set somehow by filling in Latin alphabet encoding gaps without clear use cases.


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