> On 4 Apr 2017, at 02:01, Kent Karlsson <kent.karlsso...@telia.com> wrote:
>>> Book formatting? Old style book formatting still cannot use as 
>>> sophisticated layouts as HTML can... (AFAIK).
>> Yeah, but come on, the chief use of chess characters is to cite them inline 
>> in text like any other symbol @ § % & and the other equally chief use of 
>> chess characters is to set 8 × 8 chessboards which float in space in the 
>> layout as figures. The layout requirement isn’t all that demanding that HTML 
>> offers a major advantage. 
> In case you missed it, the statement I made above was in *SUPPORT* of your 
> proposal (in general, but not necessarily all details)…

It’s not easy to tell because couterapproaches suggested are not well specified 
and really don’t seem to be practical. 

It *is* important that there be an even number of characters in every row of 8 
squares for fallback display to be better rather than worse, I think. I don’t 
think it’s possible to ensure that the rendering engine every app displays the 
fallback identically (Seems that Word and LibreOffice and Pages and Quark 
display a little differently; this seems to be that they load glyphs from some 
fonts before glyphs from others. 

I found while setting the tables that it was convenient to have to remember 
that every one of the 64 characters had to have VS1 or VS2 along with it. 
Constructing a table from scratch and modifying and existing one both felt 
easier with uniform encoding.

Michael Everson

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