On 8 Apr 2017, at 14:50, Philippe Verdy <verd...@wanadoo.fr> wrote:

>>> May be they use fonts,
>> There is no maybe about it.
> There REALLY IS a "maybe", because this is not required at all, and most 
> chess applications do not use any "font" (most of them display bitmap icons, 
> or custom 2D/3D graphics) 

The proposal is not based on the practice of chess game applications. The 
proposal deals with the problem of typesetting chess diagrams. This is a 
publishing function. 

>>> And SVG glyphs are easier to integrate in derived documents.
>> Nonsense.
> Non sense reply !!! Custom fonts

What? Fonts. You know. Fonts. Truetype with OpenType tables for glyph 
substition. This is nothing special. This is bog-standard. 

> are hard to integrate as they depend on renderers (which most applications 
> don't want to support directly, they are part of a browser or OS). And 
> OpenType fonts are much less flexible for what applications want to do. SVG 
> allows much easier variations and effects. There are tons of tools or 
> stylesheets for that, which will not work on glyphs in OpenType fonts.

This has nothing to do with the proposal. 

>> We’re not proposing to “implement a game”.
> You were yourself speaking about applications, me too, not just a "game".

No, I wasn’t. 

Michael Everson

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