2018-02-16 FRI 15:55, James Kass via Unicode <unicode@unicode.org> wrote:

> Pierpaolo Bernardi wrote:
> > But it's always a good time to argue against the addition of more
> > nonsense to what we already have got.
> It's an open-ended set and precedent for encoding them exists.
> Generally, input regarding the addition of characters to a repertoire
> is solicited from the user community, of which I am not a member.
> My personal feeling is that all of the time, effort, and money spent
> by the various corporations in promoting the emoji into Unicode would
> have been better directed towards something more worthwhile, such as
> the unencoded scripts listed at:
>      http://www.linguistics.berkeley.edu/sei/scripts-not-encoded.html
> ... but nobody asked me.

1. In UTS #51, it have been mentioned that embedded graphic is the way to
go as a longer term solution to emoji, in addition to emoji characters. But
then that would requires substantial infrastructure changes, and even then
in pure text environment they would most probably not be supported.

2. Actually, the problem is not just limited to emoji. Many Ideographic
characters (Chinese, Japanese, etc) are adding to the unicode each years,
while at the current rate there are still many rooms in Unicode standard to
contain them, it's still more open-ended than would be desired for a
multilingual encoding system, and the it also make it hard to expect newly
encoded ideographic characters to just "work" on different system with
sufficient font support. The situation that a character have to be encoded
into Unicode before they can be exchanged digitally have also limited
activities by users in term of creating new characters in ad hoc manner,
which is something that would probably happen in pre-digital era more
often. Different parties have proposed some solutions to dynamically
construct and use these characters as desired instead of relying on an
encoding mechanism but then they all seems to be so radically different
from modern computer infrastructure that they are not being adopted.


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