
On 12/20/2019 6:29 PM, Shriramana Sharma via Unicode wrote:
I was looking at the pipeline for something else, and for the first
time I see a character category: “not accepted by the UTC but in ISO
ballot” and two characters in it.
Those two characters changed status as of December 4, when the disposition of comments for CD3 was posted. They will not be part of the DIS ballot. The pipeline has now been updated to reflect that change of status.

So IIUC while technically people are free to submit a document to the
ISO separately without submitting to UTC, it has always been the
practice to my knowledge to get a character approved by the UTC first.

That is a preferred process, but doesn't always occur. The most obvious exception is that large new CJK repertoire additions are developed by the IRG and often go into ballot in ISO before the UTC takes a formal decision to approve them. CJK Extension G has now been approved for 13.0 by the UTC, but the entire block was listed in the pipeline for some time as "not accepted by UTC, but in active ISO technical ballot" once Extension G went into CD balloting.


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