The examples given don't convince me that "higher-level protocols" would not be 

There are very few messages being sent in the "Internet of Things" that are 
truly plain-text. Even those that use a text base (as opposed to binary data) 
are still in some kind of structured computer language, be it HTML, XML, JSON, 
etc. The intended natural language can be specified using that structure.

Sending multiples of the same message in different languages is really only 
applicable to broadcast/multicast scenarios, where you have a transmission 
going out live to multiple recipients who have different language demands. I 
can't immediately think of any examples where this is done with plain-text 
only, though I'd be glad to learn about them, if they exist. 

For any peer-to-peer or client-server interaction, as in your password example, 
it makes more sense to have the recipient request a specific language (e.g. 
using HTTP's "Accept-Language" header) and the sender to send its message in 
that language automatically.

As for "concatenation of such plain text sequences" where each sequence is in a 
different language, I must again ask: Is there a system that actually does 
this, that does not have a higher-level protocol that can carry metadata about 
the natural language of the text sequences?

Basically, I doubt Unicode language tags would be useful here because there 
simply is no Internet-based system that transmits human-readable text, in 
multiple natural languages, in such a rudimentary way, with no encapsulating 
protocol or metadata. And I doubt there will be; it seems like such a strange 
design choice in this day and age. Though I'd be glad to be corrected if 
someone has an example.

Sławomir Osipiuk

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