I agree. The LB27 first part rule

(JL | JV | JT | H2 | H3) × IN

appears to be redundant.

Good catch.

  -- Andy

On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 1:53 PM Daniel Bünzli <daniel.buen...@erratique.ch>

> Hello,
> I think (more precisely my compiler thinks [1]) the first line of LB27 is
> already handled by the new LB22 rule and can be removed.
> Best,
> Daniel
> [1]
> File "uuseg_line_break.ml", line 206, characters 38-40:
> 206 |   | (* LB27 *)  _, (JL|JV|JT|H2|H3), (IN|PO) -> no_boundary s
>                                             ^^
> Warning 12: this sub-pattern is unused.

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