I am running a Toshiba NB500 netbook with an attached LG L1750SQ screen. I use both screen for extended real estate.

When I run the xrandr command I obtain the following information

Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 2304 x 1024, maximum 4096 x 4096
LVDS1 connected 1024x600+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 223mm x 125mm
   1024x600       60.0*+
   800x600        60.3     56.2
   640x480        59.9
VGA1 connected 1280x1024+1024+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 338mm x 270mm
   1280x1024      60.0*+   75.0
   1152x864       75.0
   1024x768       75.1     75.0     60.0
   832x624        74.6
   800x600        75.0     60.3
   640x480        75.0     60.0
   720x400        70.1

What I am trying to do is work out how to determine what screens are available to me, and then specify the relevant screen for which the Unicon window should display on.

I have found a couple of the graphics programs in the IPL do some strange things when trying to display different fonts. What I want to do is use the physical screen size and the sreen resolution to calculate the necessary changes dynamically for font display.

I have a copy of the graphics programming book and have used WAttrib("display") to get back information, but it is only giving me the following

display             :0.0
displaywidth        2304
displayheight       1024

Any guidance would be much appreciated


Bruce Rennie
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