> Just an aside, I have downloaded the latest svn source, and the version
> date has not changed. Under what circumstances does this change?

I'm not sure if there is any well defined rule for changing version date.
In theory, this has to be changed every time a commit has been made to svn,
but this doesn't sound practical. The version date gets updated when the
version number changes. Other than that, usually the version date gets
updated every few months to reflect new changes/fixes to the language.
Icon/Unicon version number historically has only major and minor numbers,
but misses a revision number to reflect small gradual changes. Having the
same concerns you have, few months ago we decided to add few pieces of
information to "-features" output, which include the revision number. Here
are the new "fields":

CCompiler gcc 4.7.2   # C compiler/version used to build unicon
Revision 3516         # source code svn revision number at the
                      # time of building unicon
Arch x86_32           # 32 or 64 build

These are still experimental and might not be correct on all platforms, but
they are there. You can use the reversion number  to tell if two Unicon
builds are different, even if they have the same version date.


> unicon -version
> Unicon Version 12.1.  April 13, 2013
> unicon -features
> co-expressions
> concurrent threads
> dynamic loading
> environment variables
> event monitoring
> external functions
> keyboard functions
> large integers
> multiple programs
> pipes
> pseudo terminals
> system function
> messaging
> graphics
> 3D graphics
> X Windows
> libz file compression
> PNG images
> CCompiler gcc 4.7.2
> Revision 3516
> Arch x86_32
> Binaries at /home/bruce/unicon/bin/
> Error being reported. I have a test program in which I have created a
> class A which contains a method A. I get the following error when running
> the class call the first time.
>  ./testClassObject
> Run-time error 107
> File testClassObject.icn; Line 53
> record expected
> offending value: &null
> Traceback:
>    main()
>    A() from line 6 in testClassObject.icn
>    A_initially(object A_1()) from line 85 in testClassObject.icn
>    A_A(object A_1(),&null) from line 61 in testClassObject.icn
>    {&null . A} from line 53 in testClassObject.icn
> The relevant code files are attached. Hopefully the code will make sense.
> It is part of a CSG code development that I am doing. At the moment, I am
> building a set of test files for each of the classes. From my
> understanding, there should be no conflicts between the method name and the
> name of the class itself.
> Just having a further look at the problem, this using the -E option, I
> notice that if attempting to access the class name when you have a class
> name the same as a method name, it finds the method name.
> Hence, it may be worth adding a warning that there is a method name the
> same as the class name. Admittedly, this is only a problem if you are
> creating a singleton, which is the case that I am doing here.
> Lastly, for Clinton. Would you mind having a quick look at the code and
> giving me a critique in terms of whether you would want to have such code
> available in the IPL or UPL? If and only if you find it applicable or
> interesting, we can continue this via email. If it doesn't look
> appropriate, I'll just keep it in my private code base.
> At any rate, to all a good night and an interesting week ahead. Hopefully,
> you are having better weather than the rain and wind we are experiencing
> here tonight. Wind's blowing and rain's pouring.
> regards
> Bruce Rennie
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Get your SQL database under version control now!
> Version control is standard for application code, but databases havent
> caught up. So what steps can you take to put your SQL databases under
> version control? Why should you start doing it? Read more to find out.
> http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=49501711&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk
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