It turns out I have zero use cases for Succeed(). Not the one I thought of.

Peter-Arno Coppen set me right & suggested a use for Succeed().
I hope he won't mind me posting this here. I don't have his permission. He may not welcome replies from the Unicon Group. (I remember there have been flame wars, even here.)

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        RE: [snobol] Succeed() useless? UTR18 Unicon, Snobol
Date:   Mon, 15 Feb 2016 12:27:42 +0000
From: 'Coppen, P.A.J.M. (Peter-Arno)' [snobol] <>

The only use would be an oscillation between &SUCCEED PAT &FAIL, where PAT contains an alternative with &ABORT. This way, you can build a kind of control structure in a pattern (by calling functions upon partial matches)

*From:* []
*Sent:* maandag 15 februari 2016 13:20
*Subject:* Re: [snobol] Succeed() useless? UTR18 Unicon, Snobol

P.A. Coppen:
...&succeed succeeds upon every backtrack. ... [null doesn't]

You are quite correct & this is an important difference.
It means that I don't need Succeed() in my use case, as I can replace it by a null match which is more restrictive and therefore different.

Are there any uses at all  for Succeed() / &succeed ?


I was not thinking much about backtracking in relation to gap-in-paradigm patterns. Generally you can match a null anywhere. That makes a pattern to spot gap-in-paradigm potentially difficult. Not backtracking (much) simplifies it. I'd expect in these patterns, immediate assignment doesn't do anything different to conditional assignment.

Maybe I should have added fence to be explicit about how little backtracking I wanted or expected.

p1 = p1 | (Succeed . colOneData FENCE)
p4 = p4 | (Succeed . colFourData FENCE)

and /or replace Succeed by null.

Actually, I imagined, but did not program the pattern to be:

    rowpattern =  p1 FENCE p2FENCE p3 FENCE p4 FENCE p5

with P1 & P4 still having null (or Succeed Fence) as the last alternative sub-pattern.

Jay Hammond

On 15/02/2016 09:48, 'Coppen, P.A.J.M. (Peter-Arno)' <> [snobol] wrote:

   The difference between &succeed and the null string seems to me that
   &succeed succeeds upon every backtrack. So POS(0) &SUCCEED PAT &FAIL
   keeps on trying PAT forever (unless PAT contains &ABORT), and POS(0)
   NULL PAT &FAIL doesn’t.

   Peter-Arno Coppen

   *From:* <>
   *Sent:* maandag 15 februari 2016 1:14
   *Subject:* [snobol] Succeed() useless? UTR18 Unicon, Snobol

Jay wrote (snipped)

I know a practical use for Succeed() or its equivalents.

Do you have any more?

Posted by: "Coppen, P.A.J.M. (Peter-Arno)" <>
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