Eric Wong <> wrote:
>   The Rack response body only needs to respond to #each.
>   There should be no reason to build giant response
>   documents in memory before sending them to a client.
>   unicorn can't do the following for you automatically since
>   we don't know how/if a Rack app will reuse a string;
>   but upstack authors can String#clear after yielding
>   in #each to ensure any malloced heap memory is immediately
>   available for future use (but beware of downstream middlewares
>   which do not expect this, too(**)):
>     def each
>       # .. do something to generate a giant string
>       yield giant_string

... The yield above is so unicorn (or any server) can call
IO#write or similar (send(,_nonblock), write_nonblock, etc...).

That means once IO#write is complete, the contents of the string
is shipped off to the OS TCP stack and Ruby can forget about it:

>       giant_string.clear # String#clear
>     end

However, this is largely ineffective since Ruby 2.0.0 - 2.4.0
has a thread-safety fix which causes excessive garbage:

And it looks like that went unnoticed for a few years...
Shame on all of us! :<

Anyways, it looks like an acceptable fix finally got accepted
for Ruby 2.5 (December 2017):

I've considered backporting a workaround into unicorn; but I'm
leaning against it since most apps do not recycle buffers at the
moment, so they make a lot of garbage, anyways.

Another place unicorn uses IO#write is buffering large files in
the TeeInput class; but I'm not sure if enough people care about
large uploads.  Embarrassingly, most of the large I/O apps I
maintain are still on 1.9.3, so I did not notice it :x
In any case, anybody running an up-to-date trunk or willing
to wait until Ruby 2.5 won't have to worry or think about this.

But yeah, all of this means there's still a both a runtime and
code complexity cost for supporting 1:1 native threads (at least
the way MRI does it).  This cost is there regardless of whether
or not the code you run uses threads.

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