Jeffrey Carl Faden <> wrote:
> According to this post...
> The rules around initialize and fork() have changed in macOS
> 10.13, which is coming out in a month or so. I tried using
> Unicorn today to run a unicorn_rails instance, and got this as
> part of my traceback:

This affects other Ruby programs which fork().  I suggest
reporting to ruby-core @ and having
somebody with macOS knowledge look at this(*).

I don't even know how ObjC factors into this.

> I'm not sure if this is something downstream, but I thought
> I'd bring it to your attention. My temporary solution is to
> preface my commands with

Thanks for documenting this for other users, at least.
I can't support macOS since I'm not allowed to know
everything about it.

(*) As a smug GNU/Linux user, I get to know EVERYTHING about how
    my system works from the kernel and up, for free!
    And when I do have a question I can't answer on my own;
    all I need to do is email the right people and lists.
    No NDAs or registration of any sort to deal with :>

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