Felix Yasnopolski <felix.yasnopol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We use Ruby v2.2.3, Rails v4.2.4, Unicorn v5.1.0 in production.
> ActiveRecord validation rules and callbacks for all models of app has
> been disabled after unicorn restart (from log rotation script). Here
> it is

Wow, that's a new one... I haven't used Rails in years, but it's
certainly not intentional behavior on the part of unicorn.

Hopefully somebody else with Rails knowledge can chime in.

Some questions:

Do you have anything which overrides USR1?

Are the logs getting rotated correctly?

(more below ...)

> /var/www/fitness_crm/shared/log/production.log
> /var/www/fitness_crm/shared/log/unicorn.stderr.log
> /var/www/fitness_crm/shared/log/unicorn.stdout.log {
>         daily
>         missingok
>         rotate 30
>         compress
>         notifempty
>         create 640 deploy deploy
>         sharedscripts
>         postrotate
>                 kill -s USR2 `cat
> /var/www/fitness_crm/shared/tmp/pids/unicorn.pid`
>         endscript
> }
> We've changed the script to send USR1 instead of USR2, but nothing has
> changed. When USR1 is sent validations/callbacks simply keep being
> disabled. Here is our unicorn configuration file
> working_directory "/var/www/fitness_crm/current"
> pid "/var/www/fitness_crm/shared/tmp/pids/unicorn.pid"
> stdout_path "/var/www/fitness_crm/shared/log/unicorn.stdout.log"
> stderr_path "/var/www/fitness_crm/shared/log/unicorn.stderr.log"

OK, that looks right.

Do your logs show the log rotations as they're happening, at least?

Anything else pop up in the logs which might help us figure out
what's wrong?  (for example, do you have dying workers)

> listen "/tmp/unicorn.fitness_crm_production.sock"
> worker_processes 8
> timeout 30
> preload_app true

Can you try omitting preload_app and see if you can reproduce
the problem?  The big reason preload_app is `false' by default
is it could break some code...

And probably use only 1 worker to avoid memory
overhead/excessive log spew during debugging.

> before_exec do |server|
>   ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = "/var/www/fitness_crm/current/Gemfile"
> end
> before_fork do |server, worker|
>   # Disconnect since the database connection will not carry over
>   if defined? ActiveRecord::Base
>     ActiveRecord::Base.connection.disconnect!
>   end
>   # Quit the old unicorn process
>   old_pid = "#{server.config[:pid]}.oldbin"
>   if File.exists?(old_pid) && server.pid != old_pid
>     begin
>       Process.kill("QUIT", File.read(old_pid).to_i)
>     rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ESRCH
>       # someone else did our job for us
>     end
>   end
>   if defined?(Resque)
>     Resque.redis.quit
>   end
>   sleep 1
> end
> after_fork do |server, worker|
>   # Start up the database connection again in the worker
>   if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base)
>     ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection
>   end
>   if defined?(Resque)
>     Resque.redis = 'localhost:6379'
>   end
> end

If log rotations (via USR1) fails (e.g. due to permission
error), the workers die and get replaced, instead.  This allows
the log files to be released and rotated in "brute force"

Can you reproduce the problem by sending a QUIT, TERM, or KILL
signal directly to a worker process?  (Also, note the time
interval between initial master startup and your test)

A later-spawned worker could behave differently/strangely
from an originally-spawned one...

Finally, can you reproduce your original problem by sending USR1
to the master immediately after a fresh start?

With logrotate (which only runs intermittently), the problem
could be manifesting from an app timeout or time skew of some
sort interacting poorly with preload_app and respawned workers.

> After this we kill unicorn and start it manually with command:
> bundle exec unicorn -D -c
> /var/www/fitness_crm/shared/config/unicorn.rb -E production
> After this everything is good and validations and callbacks are
> enabled again. Please, help to find out what is the reason of such a
> behavior and how to fix it.

This is why I gave the time skew/timeout hypothesis above.

Otherwise; I'm out of ideas, for now (and falling asleep).
Hoping somebody more awake with modern Rails knowledge can chime
in and help with things I'm missing.

Again; one of the first unicorn-specific steps for
troubleshooting is to disable preload_app and use a single
worker process which you can trace more easily.
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