Alberto De Gaspari <> wrote:
> Hello everyone, maybe this is a noob question, but it seems strange from
> my point of view, so here i am:
> I have 2 master processes running on the same server, pointing to the
> same rails application dir.
> I need 2 of them because i need some workers to be dedicated responding
> to requests coming from a specific socket(and i'm not sure this is the
> right way to do this)

That's fine.

> Both the standard_error_logs are full of messages like the following:
> INFO -- : reaped #<Process::Status: pid 23835 exit 0> worker=unknown
> is this a misconfiguration or something similar?

Does your application fork processes?  It may not be reaping
them.   Are your normal unicorn workers dying, too?

You can check the process tree or periodically run "ps" to see
what was running as the reaped pid before it died.

I use "ps axf" from the "procps" package on some Linux sytems;
or "pstree" if installed to see the process tree.

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