Sam Saffron <> wrote:
> I would love to start logging the actual URL that timed out when
> murder_lazy_workers does its thing.
> Clearly the master process has no knowledge here, but perhaps if we
> had a named pipe from each child to master we could quickly post
> current url down the pipe so we would have something to log when we
> murder a url.

That would make the master a bottleneck.

Instead, I suggest logging a START action with the
URL+PID+Thread(*)+serial number; and then matching it a
corresponding END action in the response_body#close Anything
without a corresponding END action can be deemed a loss and
matched up with the KILL action based on PID.

(*) Log Thread/Fiber so it can work with other servers, too.

I seem to remember it was possible to get that information out of
Rails logs pretty easily, already; and I seem recall doing that
back many years ago when I used Rails. (This is probably why
USR1 log reopening waits until a response is done before

And as I've stated many times before, I don't want any sort of
lock-in or even guide-in to make people feel like they're stuck
using unicorn (by having code which depends on it).  I also
believe the unicorn `timeout' is a misfeature that probably set
the entire Rack/Ruby ecosystem back 10 years or more, so I'd
rather people stop depending on it and fix their timeouts.

(To that end, I may see about making timeout.rb in stdlib better
 for Ruby 2.6...)

> Clearly an opt-in thing, but would be very handy for quick diagnostics
> cause we can then avoid deeper log analysis and raise events just as
> this happens.

Sorry, I prefer generic solutions which work with other servers, too.

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