I know I saw a post on this from April in 2006, but I never was able to find a work around or a fix.

In my case I'm serving a web page (which is an admin interface) for a small device using the latest unionfs (2.2.2) patch for Linux 2.6.20-21. If the web page contains a php system() or exec() call, the following errors appear on the web page (even though the function completes correctly and displays the correct information.

shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: Inappropriate ioctl for device

If I serve the web page out of the underlying read-only branch of the unionfs mount, it works without the errors.

I've seen similar errors when ssh'ing into the box as well.

Any ideas?  Is there a place to file a bug report?


Darrick Hartman
DJH Solutions, LLC
unionfs mailing list: http://unionfs.filesystems.org/

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