On Thu, 2008-01-17 at 10:56 -0500, Gregory Haskins wrote:
> Paul Albrecht wrote:
> > On Wed, 2008-01-16 at 18:27 -0500, Gregory Haskins wrote:
> >   
> >> Erez Zadok wrote:
> >>     
> >>> [I recommend we direct future discussions in this thread to the unionfs
> >>> ML. -ezk]
> >>>       
> >> (Note I am not subscribed to unionfs ML, so please include me in CC)
> >>
> >>     
> >>> Paul, you're looking into a specific 2-branch configuration where one 
> >>> branch
> >>> is r-o and the other is r-w.  Yes, in that specific case, one could argue
> >>> that a whiteout isn't needed.  But what if I have N branches, with a mix 
> >>> of
> >>> rw/ro branches, where a file or its whiteout could exist in any branch?  
> >>> If
> >>> I don't create a whiteout, then I have to scan all N branches and remove 
> >>> the
> >>> same file from there (assuming the file doesn't exist on a r-o branch --
> >>> then I have to abort).
> >>>       
> >> I wonder if there is a way to track which files were created in a branch 
> >> vs promoted to a branch?  If so, wouldn't only files in the promoted 
> >> class then require a whiteout file?  I have no idea if this is plausible 
> >> with the unionfs architecture, but it would address Paul's concern.
> >>
> >> For instance, what if you created a shadow/hidden ".cow" file when this 
> >> promotion occurs, and then rename it to the whiteout file if it gets 
> >> deleted.  Files without a .cow shadow file simply get deleted without 
> >> any extra action.  Files with a .cow shadow file delete the local branch 
> >> copy and rename the .cow to the whiteout.
> >>
> >>     
> >
> > The problem with this approach is it pollutes the name space of the cow
> > layer with a bunch of hidden files that really aren't needed which is
> > what I was objecting to in the first place.
> >   
> Hmm..yes.  The problem is always going to be "metadata tracking" vs 
> "n-branch searching" I guess.  Perhaps it could be a knob to select 
> n-branch searching, with the default for N=2 is on, and its off for N>2.

Don't think it matters how may branches comprise a union mount. If a
file is created in a cow layer of the mount, that is, it's not copied up
from a read only branch, then the union file system absolutely should
not use whiteout because it doesn't make any sense.

There's no point in using the whiteout to cover-up a file which doesn't
exist in the union mount at the time the file is deleted.

If it is objected that a branch may be subsequently inserted containing
a file with the same name as the "deleted" file which will show through
and this is counter to a user's expectations, then I would simply point
out that this is not at all intuitive and only a developer as opposed to
a user would make this argument.

Lastly, I guess I don't really care how this is implemented, however,
it's not obvious to me why "n-branch searching" can't be done

> > Checking the lower layers of the union mount for the file name to
> > determine whether the whiteout is required seems to make more sense,
> > that is, if the file exists in lower layers generate a whiteout in the
> > cow layer otherwise simply delete the file.
> >
> >   
> >> Just a thought.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> -Greg
> >>
> >>     

Paul Albrecht
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