Hi Paul

I can not compile 2.6.23-11 with -rt applied, I get the same __nrpages error that I got with 2.6.23-1

I see that the previous thread includes patches to solve this, but it seems that an all-cases patch was being worked on? If so, I am unable to find it. If not, I would to know which one would be the best to be applied to get a 2.6.23-11-unionfs-rt kernel compiled. No matter about the patch-applied-but-not-used and patch-not-applied cases.

I renamed this post in order to make it more descriptive

Best regards,


Paul Hewlett escribió:
Roman Muñoz wrote:
Hi, is there any patch recommended to make unionfs work with -RT patch?

I see a thread about it, but it is not very clear to me. I understand
that is quite an inconvenience to have various posibilities -kernel
witouth -RT, kernel with -RT but not activated, kernel with -RT patch
applied and activated...

I could live with it if there were a patch to unionfs capable to make
it compile with RT patch applied-and-activated.

Could you give me any poiter?


Hi Roman

I have been using unionfs with the gentoo pro-audio overlay (which has
the RT kernel) for some time now and it works well.

What exactly is unclear to you from the previous thread ?
Which kernel are you interested in ?

Regards Paul

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